KFB Syntax
This uses the same lexical structure as KRB files, except that the only keywords are:
- None
- True
- False
The name of the fact base is simply the filename with the .kfb suffix stripped. This must be a valid Python identifier.
Syntax for KFB File
file ::= [NL] {fact NL} fact ::= IDENTIFIER '(' [{data,}] ')' data ::= 'None' | 'True' | 'False' | NUMBER | IDENTIFIER | STRING | '(' [{data,}] ')'
This is taken from the family_relations example:
# family.kfb son_of(bruce, thomas, norma) son_of(fred_a, thomas, norma) son_of(tim, thomas, norma) daughter_of(vicki, thomas, norma) daughter_of(jill, thomas, norma) daughter_of(nanette, arthur2, kathleen) son_of(arthur3, arthur2, kathleen) daughter_of(sue, arthur2, kathleen) son_of(ed, arthur2, kathleen) daughter_of(marilyn, arthur2, kathleen) son_of(david_b, arthur2, kathleen) daughter_of(m_helen, arthur2, kathleen) son_of(m_thomas, bruce, marilyn) son_of(david_a, bruce, marilyn)